Our School
Mission and Vision for Oak Avenue Intermediate School
Mission: Oak Avenue Intermediate School’s purpose is to instill in our students the skills needed academically, socially, physically, and creatively, to be life-long learners while contributing productively to society in a climate of continuous change.
Vision: Through the support of a committed and well-equipped educational community, each student will acquire the skills necessary to be successful in a variety of future academic, creative, emotional, social, and physical endeavors.
About our School
Oak Avenue Intermediate School serves students in the seventh and eighth grades. Oak received a 2006 Diamond Award from the Los Angeles County Office of Education for its Support Personnel Accountability Report Card for student guidance and support services. Oak recognizes the unique characteristics of the middle school student. Teachers, parents, and staff empower students to take responsibility for their physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and creative learning. Using a team approach, instructional staff recognizes students needs and regularly utilizes a broad range of appropriate strategies to enable them to learn.’s school program. Oak has an active and supportive PTA, with parents assisting with co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. In addition, the Shared Decision Making Council meets monthly, allowing parents a greater involvement in policy making and budget.
Oak provides opportunities for parents to be partners in the education of young adolescents and to understand the uniqueness of this age group. Support staff coordinates and facilitates the program; the physical plant, equipment, resource materials, and technology complement the program. This total school experience enables each stakeholder to feel a sense of connectedness and for all students to become reflective adults capable of leading meaningful lives in a changing society. Parents are involved in all aspects of Oak.
School Accountability Report Card
A hard copy of our SARC is available in the Main Office on request.